Chapter 54
Anyway, a year ago or so
he bought a house there
and towed it back to the yard
where he parked his boat.
Chapter 55
Back then, when the house
settled down, crushing a big square
into the grass, he was a little worried.
Chapter 56
With a ladder, he went all around
the invisible corners of it, wrapping it
with a rope. It did look weird to see
a lasso in the air holding nothing.
Chapter 57
Then he hung flags, clothes and rags
so nobody would run into the house.
That also gave the house a sound,
when there was wind.
Chapter 58
He didn’t have to worry about
animals running into the house.
They seemed to know it was there.
Chapter 59
Birds would fly around it,
bees would veer on their paths
to flowers.
Chapter 60
For him, there were some things
to get used to—knowing the rooms,
doorways and invisible stairs…
Chapter 61
Sleeping was easy though.
High off the ground, being in bed
it was just like floating along in his boat.

(House pictures by Rustle)
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