Chapter 30
“You’re a maniac!” the fish screeched.
“I can’t use this!” It paddled the air lamely.
“You broke my fin!”
Chapter 31
The man pictured the ocean listening.
“Just keep it down,” he said. “Don’t yell.”
“Don’t yell!” The fish sat up and gaped.
“You’re trying to kill me!”
Chapter 32
“No,” he said, flustered. “Look…
I’ll put you back.” The man moved
to scoop the sea parrot off the bench.
Chapter 33
“Oh no you don’t! I can’t return
like this! You have to fix my fin!”
Chapter 34
It was true, the man knew it.
A sea parrot could ruin him.
In no time at all, the sea would be
a newspaper. Every shrimp, crab
and whale would know the story.
Chapter 35
If that happened, he would have to
row his boat to a desert somewhere
and make a living sifting sand.
to be continued...
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