Chapter 36
“Okay!” the man said. “I’ll take you
back to my house and repair your
broken fin.” He lifted the sea parrot
and put it into the bucket, pulling
some seaweed over to protect it
from the overcast light of day.
Chapter 37
“Wait a minute!” the fish brayed.
“Someone’s already in here!”
Chapter 38
“Oh yeah…I forgot,” the man said.
The mackerel gave a cough and rasped,
“Don’t mind me, I’m just a forgotten fish,
left in here to die…”
Chapter 39
The sea parrot leaned out of the bucket
and shrieked at the man, “What is the
matter with you? You’ve got to get this
poor fellow back in water right away!”
Chapter 40
It was no surprise really
all the fish noise had attracted
a seagull. It landed on the bow
on the little triangle of wood.
It blinked yellow eyes,
dipped its smooth white head
towards the bucket.
Chapter 41
“That was supposed to be my lunch,”
said the man. The sea parrot choked,
“Lunch!?!” sweeping the weeds clear
from the wilting mackerel, “This fellow
probably has a family to support.”
Chapter 42
“I do,” the mackerel wheezed.
“Oh come on…” the man said.
The sea parrot wagged a fin at him,
“Imagine not being able to see your
loved ones because some barbarian
fed you a steel hook. It’s criminal!”
Chapter 43
“Don’t I know it,” sobbed the mackerel.
He gave a feeble twitch. The sea parrot
commanded, “Go on, return him!”
Chapter 44
As the mackerel flipped and glittered
through the air, the seagull yelled
and dove after the splash.
Chapter 45
“There goes my lunch,” said the man.
The sea parrot shrugged. He was
philosophical about it.
Chapter 46
There wasn’t much point lingering
in the air. The man knew it.
He stowed his fishing rod and
pushed the oars out to row
the way he had come.
Chapter 47
The water waved goodbye.
The town was awake by now,
little fires smoked out chimneys.
A dog barked up at him. He was
coming back with a broken fish.
to be continued...
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