I finished reading Tom Robbins’ Tibetan Peach Pie.
Both he and Kurt Vonnegut mention their gratitude
to the Golden Age of Publishing when you could
actually make a living with your writing. (Nowadays
most journals and contests charge the author to submit
their work.) Of course I still cling to that Golden Age
dream of the paid author but that hope is vanishing.
These are different days. An especially great change
that has occurred very recently is the ability for the
author to self-publish. Now I have my own press,
Good Deed Rain, and I plan to print all those
long-waiting novels and stories of mine. (Coming up
next is a collection of 5 novels.) And it’s possible to
print on demand so I’m not swimming in boxes of
unsold books. It’s really a wonderful development,
a new golden age of publishing that I’ve been waiting
for years to happen—I’m not making a living writing
but I can see my books published.
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